Monday, July 30, 2012

Sandnes mini Fartgeit

Inspired by the Speedgoat 50k and motivated to get as much vert as possible while staying mainly on trails, I came up with the following route. It takes in most of the highest peaks in the hills northeast of Sandnes. I included the short out-and-backs required to get to the actual summit of most peaks. Summits include: Vassfjellet, Lutsifjellet, Bjorndalsfjellet, Fjogstad, Skjorestadfjell, Lifjellet, Dalsnuten, and Ovre Eikenuten.

View of Lifjell and Dalvatnet from Skjorestadfjell

Stavanger from Lifjell

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Misty Morning Run

Some shots from an early morning run up near Mattisrudla and the hills northeast of Sandnes
